HAMMONTON—The Hammonton Hawks opened their new flag football season last week with several games at William T. Capella Field.
The flag football league is an exciting new venture for the Hawks organization.
“It’s been great,” Hawks president Clark Hovermale said.
“We had more than 200 kids sign up, which was far beyond what we anticipated. We’re still working out some of the details, but so far, it’s gone very, very well. We’re very happy with it,” Hovermale said.
According to Hawks’ secretary A.J. Mento, 248 children registered to play and there are 20 teams ranging from taxi squad through varsity.
“It’s so good to see it take off,” Mento said.
Vice president Mike Scibilia agreed.
“It’s unbelievable. We didn’t think we’d have this strong an interest, honestly,” Scibilia said.
The Hawks are hoping that the flag football program will allow young athletes to learn some football fundamentals and also expose them to the program in general.
“We’ve seen lower turnout the last few years, so this was a way to give kids and their parents a chance to meet some of our coaches and see what we’re all about. We’re hopeful that some kids who never thought to give football a chance in the fall will enjoy it and decide to come out and play,” Hovermale said.
Parents and fans circled five playing fields at Capella Field and behind the Hammonton Middle School on June 28, the first day games were played.
“It’s great to see everyone out here,” Scibilia said.
“Parents and families were parking at Nino’s and Golden Feather,” Mento added.
Games are scheduled for Monday and Wednesday evenings until August 2. Taxi squad and junior varsity matchups begin at 6:30 p.m., while pee wee and varsity games begin at 7:30 p.m.