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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

Letters to the Editor

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To the Editor:

I just want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has reached out since I announced my candidacy for school board. Your overwhelming support means more than you know. I decided to run for school board because I want to see positive change happen on the board. It’s not enough to complain. You need to get involved, lead by example, step out of your comfort zone and be a part of the end result. I believe I have done just that, but I need your vote on November 8.

The kids of Hammonton Schools will always be my top priority. Every decision I make will have their safety, well-being and education as my focus. I truly care about your kids and doing what is right. I treat people with respect, and value their opinions. If you know me, you know I’m always willing to help and be there for the children and our community.

Remember on November 8th vote Mary Anne Templeton, Rita Black and Barbara Berenato for Hammonton Board of Education. We all have the same vision and we are here to be your child’s voice.

Thank you.

Mary Anne Templeton

Hammonton School Board Candidate

To the Editor:

As we are inching closer to Election Day Nov. 8, I’m writing to ask for your support as a Hammonton School Board Candidate.

For those of you that may not know me, I am Rita (Giardino) Black and I have lived in Hammonton for all of my life. I am a wife and mother to three amazing kids. My husband and I choose to reside here and raise our children because we both know the value of living in a small town. I hope you can agree with me, that there is something truly special about living in a place where almost everyone knows you, your mother or father or some person in your family. There is also a magical feeling watching your kids befriend your friends’ kids from school or having a teacher that you did when you attended Hammonton Public Schools.

I am a very involved parent. I have a 16-year-old son Todd that plays football and runs track, and 14-year-old daughter Alyssa that lives for softball. My youngest Alivia is 9 and enjoys anything and everyone, but her favorite is playing field hockey for the Stick Chicks and little league softball. Being a Hammonton Little Leaguer myself, and having the same love for the game as my girls, it wasn’t a hard decision to become more involved in Hammonton little league. I have been a softball coach for six years, a board member as secretary and most recently voted in as the new vice president of softball. I am also a Stick Chicks coach to the third and fourth grade girls. Coaching is my passion and is what initially drove my decision to run for school board. I have a great network of parents that share experiences and thoughts with me. Kids and parents interact with me on a daily basis. I teach kids fundamentals of how to play sports that they will carry forever.

I believe we have an excellent school system here in Hammonton. I discuss curriculum, safety and many other challenges that our parents and residents of Hammonton have been sharing during my campaign journey. This has been an eye-opening experience.

I have always had a passion for doing the right thing and making it work for everyone. I want to put this “can do” approach to work for our kids at Hammonton Schools. I am an honest, approachable person that will follow through. I have no hidden agendas except to do what is right for all the children that attend and will attend Hammonton Public Schools.

While I am asking for your vote on November 8, I have aligned myself to run with two spectacular women. I have known Barbara Berenato most of my life and have the utmost respect for her. I have seen her passion and dedication over the years as a current board member. Maryanne Templeton, who our kids brought us together through sports, I am proud to call my friend and she too has my respect and will be most fitting as a Hammonton School Board member.

Safety, Education and Values.

Vote November 8: Black, Berenato and Templeton.

Rita Giardino Black

Hammonton School Board Candidate

To the Editor:

I want to begin by thanking you, the voter, for reading my letter. You’re obviously informed because you’re taking the time to hear what candidates have to say. I wish there were more people like you. You care about our schools, the children, and our town. We have that in common. I have devoted a large portion of my adult life to public service because I care enough to get involved and speak up. As a former teacher, former Hammonton mayor and current board member, I’ve seen it all.

These days our children are vulnerable to many things. Their school should be a safe place for them to learn, grow, and thrive. Their safety has always been and always will be my top priority! As chair of the school board’s safety committee, with persistence, I was successful in obtaining a police officer for our WES and ECEC buildings. I will continue to speak up and defend the innocence of our children. I believe parents should be the moral compass for their children and school should reinforce kindness and the golden rule. By working together, our children’s futures are bright.

I appreciate your support in the upcoming school board election on November 8. Please vote for me, Rita Black, and Maryanne Templeton. We’re all Hammonton and we’re all heart.

Barbara Berenato

Board of Education Member and Candidate

To the Editor:

This election cycle, I have been disappointed by the negative political discourse that has taken place at the national, state, and local levels. Over the past six months, I have spoken with hundreds, if not thousands, of Hammontonians and have found that the core values that bind our community are frayed and torn. That’s why Adam Re, Renee Rodio, and I have decided to step up and make a difference. We are running on the Republican ticket for Hammonton Town Council under the slogan “Elect Leaders Who Listen” to restore the sense of unity and community cohesion in our town.

Quite frankly, many of Hammonton’s citizens are afraid to honestly speak their minds or express themselves out of fear of retaliation. Some are business owners who fear losing business for their beliefs. Others fear they will lose work or will become social pariahs for voting their conscience. James Madison once said, “For the people to rule wisely, they must be able to think and speak freely without fear of reprisal.” Democracy flourishes when we listen to one another and work through our differences rather than letting them tear us apart, and there is a diversity of opinions. This is not happening in the town and demonstrates why the one-party is not a democracy.

Adam, Renee, and I have offered a platform to bring our local government back to the citizens of Hammonton. From addressing your concerns about balanced economic growth throughout the town to improving the quality of life for all residents to giving citizens more opportunities to express their thoughts, our team will rightfully give Hammontonians the ability to control their future and fulfill their hopes and aspirations.

So, this November 8, let your voice be heard. Choose hope over fear: Vote Trepiccione, Re, and Rodio for Council, your Column B Team.

Joshua Trepiccione

Republican Candidate

for Hammonton Town Council


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