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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

Letters to the Editor: Traditions at Blueberry Ridge

To the Editor:

I am a proud resident of Hammonton having moved to the Traditions at Blueberry Ridge over 55 community in 2011.

When I moved there I assumed the water retention basis belonged to the community and that it was in proper working order. I have since discovered the basin ownership is in question and the basin was never in working order. I believe the town of Hammonton had the duty and responsibility for insuring the construction of the basin and insuring it would work according to the plans approved by the town. The guarantee was backed by Surety Bonds given to the town by the original contractor for the construction of the basin.

The HOA Board at Traditions has been in discussions with the town since 2004 in an effort to get the basin fixed but their efforts have gone unheard. It seems the town surrendered the bonds for a lowly amount less than sufficient to make the necessary repairs and now there is no money available to make repairs.

With growing frustration over the lack of attention the town council has paid to the issue the board at Traditions was forced to initiate a suit against the town to establish ownership of the basin and to see to its proper repair. When I found out about this I had to ask myself why would the town fail its residents at the very time they needed it the most.

I believe The Traditions community has paid more than $17,000,000 to Hammonton in taxes since its inception without any burden on the school system. There are 134 homes with about 250 residents whose voices need to be heard.

Mayoral candidate Bill Cappuccio reached out to this community and offered his support. Bill has been actively advocating for the rights of this community at several town council meetings. He understands actions are warranted and the town has a legal and moral obligation to its citizens that cannot go unresolved for 17 years.

If the town will not listen to the voices of the 250 residents at Traditions at town meetings then perhaps the only way to be heard is in November. The current administration came into office like all those before it with good intentions and great plans only to become complacent and turn a deaf ear to the voices of those they represent. Singer songwriter Bob Dylan said “the times they are a changing” and maybe that is true this coming November.

Bill Cappuccio heard our voices, and I for one, commend his actions and thank him for his courage in presenting our views in front of the committee. I attended several of the meetings in which Mr. Cappuccio addressed the council where his remarks were met with displeasure by the council. It could not have been easy on him but again, in my view, it shows his character and determination to do the right thing no matter how hard it may be or the obstacles in the way.

Fred Pietropola



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