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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

Letters to the Editor: William Cappuccio for Mayor

To the Editor:

Nowadays the one thought that comes to mind so much is “this is a difficult time we are living in.” As we struggle to get back to a normal life, we must look past our current situation and look toward the future. When will life be back to normal? As we now move forward toward normalcy, I believe it is time that we all get involved in our town and our local government. I believe it is time to be interested in what is going on in our town. It is time to voice our opinions. If we do not have opinions, then we are not interested, and if we are not interested, then we cannot be angry about how our town is moving forward. Most importantly it is time for a change.

It is time for all our municipal employees, board and commission members and volunteers to be able to perform their duties without fear of political or outside interference.

It is time for all citizens to question our leaders and ask the hard questions without fear of being “shown the door.” Just as many families have been forced to do, our municipal leaders must look at our budgets, tighten our belts and look for ways to spend wisely for the future, not for the day and not just because it is an election year. We must look at our important issues, our roads, our infrastructure and the most important of all, trying to do this without burdening all our fellow citizens with additional taxes and fees. We are facing difficult times ahead and this is not the time for business as usual.

We must have leadership that can work with our county and state officials, and not act like we are an island that needs no help. We need strong leaders who will do what is right for every person in Hammonton. We need unified leaders who have only one goal of helping Hammonton regain its past glory, where we work together with our county and state leaders, to help us grow and prosper. The great John Donne once wrote “No man is an island” and that applies to this town.

As cities become less desirable for business it is time for new leaders who will search out new ratables and clean industry and once again make Hammonton the “Hub of South Jersey,” that will help our local economy, provide job opportunities for young and old and not be a burden on our school system. We need to start building for the future and to do that we need change.

Hammonton is a great town, but it is more than just three blocks of downtown. We need leaders who will care about every citizen and not just a select few people and a limited area of downtown. It is time to change a better future of our town.

We cannot continue the path we are traveling, where we make it difficult for business and developers to come to town. We need clean, smart growth and that will only happen when we change our leadership.

Our Republican Team has one goal, to serve all the citizens of our town with your best interest in mind, and though some may disagree with our views, the only agenda we offer is to serve each and everyone the same, with our only goal being to help Hammonton to grow and prosper for the decades to come.

So, I humbly ask you to support myself Bill Cappuccio for mayor along with Rick Fichetola, Tony Penza and Anthony Rizzotte for town council. We care about our town and all of our fellow Hammontonians.

William “Bill” Cappuccio

Republican Candidate for Mayor


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