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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

Listening to you

The Hammonton Heart and Soul effort is attempting to gain insight into residents’ wants and needs. (Courtesy Photo)

The Hammonton Heart and Soul effort is attempting to gain insight into residents’ wants and needs (see Dan Bachalis’ column on page 7). The Gazette has a front page article in this week’s paper by staff writer Joseph F. Berenato that also probes into what people from Hammonton want, mostly regarding stores.

Both these efforts are part of the continuing conversation between members of the community about the future of the town. Whether it is a municipality, a school district, a community organization, church groups, a newspaper or other source stimulating a discussion, what’s important is that the discussions are started, and that they lead to action.

Maybe you have an idea about something Hammonton needs. Don’t remain silent! Join the conversation and become part of the process of making the town improve.

During the years, there have been many ways ideas have flowed into the town. Several years ago, Creative Hammonton brought people from various backgrounds together. The results were some original concepts that furthered the progress of Hammonton. Perhaps it is time to revisit the best ideas from Creative Hammonton and fold them into Hammonton Heart and Soul’s mission?

In the meantime, The Gazette looks forward to contributing to these efforts, both through direct involvement and through coverage, both of what the town and community groups are doing, and through our own articles about what is happening in Hammonton now, and what people want to happen in Hammonton next.

The foundation of the progress that has already occurred and the progress that is going to occur is in the hearts and minds of the people of Hammonton. They have the caring minds and hearts that have already made a positive difference. Now it is time for the next step: Stretching beyond the usual and being willing to become a part of affecting positive change.

Change is not welcomed easily, but even in a traditional town like Hammonton, change is embraced when it makes a good community great.

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