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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

Spring’s sprung

Spring flowers outside of St. Joseph Academy were planted by Ben Castone Landscaping. (THG/Kristin Guglietti. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940.)

If you were wondering when it would ever get here, spring sprung during the weekend.

The meshing of the longer days with the blue skies overhead and warmer temperatures seemed to open the entire town. People filled parking lots at restaurants and local businesses, the soccer tournaments and other events brought people to town, people walked, jogged, ran or walked dogs on the sidewalks throughout town, athletic fields were in use, outdoor seating was filled and the mood generally lifted.

Spring, in a word, had sprung. It was none too soon.

After a winter where people were subject to colder temperatures, the restrictions of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and a down economy, the simple turning of the calendar brought a sense of good times with it.

Whether it was driving around in a classic car, sitting on the front porch or in the backyard having an impromptu barbecue or enjoying the (socially distanced) company of friends and family, the weekend was a good one for many.

Is it the light at the end of the tunnel?

Is it the eye of the hurricane?

Or is it something else?

We honestly don’t know. What we do know is that in this era, we’ll take the good days and the good news whenever we can. There is no need to over analyze this past weekend. More daylight hours and warmer weather make people feel better.

Scientific studies have shown that increasing the amount of light human beings receive does improve their overall attitude, just as reducing it has a negative effect. The condition even has a name—Seasonal Affective Disorder—and is alleged to cause depression in the winter months.

Luckily, there will be many more warm, good days filled with light to come. As the spring turns to summer, hopefully the threat of (COVID-19) will ease and people will be able to go to the shore, walk along the boardwalk and enjoy the beach.

It’s rare that we say we all deserve something, but we do this time. We all deserve a nice spring and summer. It’s been a challenging, difficult year, and it would be nice to have some fun during the next six months. Here’s hoping it happens, for all of us.


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