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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

The Hammontonian Magazine: Because you all deserve it!

The Gazette’s new magazine The Hammontonian can be found in the fold of this week’s edition. This new lifestyle magazine features articles, photos and more all pertaining to Hammonton. Hammonton resident Franki Rudnesky is the cover model and is pictured above at Casciano Coffee Bar & Sweetery on Bellevue Avenue. (THG/Jenn Bailey. To purchase photos in The Gazette, call (609) 704-1940.)

The Hammontonian Magazine arrives with this week’s edition of The Gazette.

It’s our first new publication since the newspaper started on July 2, 1997—nearly 25 years ago.

Ironically, at 24 pages, it’s exactly the same number of pages as that first issue of The Gazette.

I think that’s a good omen, don’t you?

We plan to produce The Hammontonian Magazine quarterly. You’ll be able to read it in the winter, spring, summer and fall. Our team was influenced by daily newspapers with magazine sections—think the Sunday New York Times Magazine, as well as the magazine sections that influenced our team from The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Boston Globe and The Wall Street Journal. Like those newspaper magazine sections, the new magazine known as The Hammontonian will be absolutely free with the purchase of your copy of The Gazette.

That’s right, free.

If you buy a copy of The Gazette on the newsstand, or purchase a Digital Edition, or buy a print or digital subscription, the magazine comes with it, free of charge. The digital version is completely in color, including all the ads, and The Hammontonian will be available for free on The Gazette website ( on Monday, January 24.

The Hammontonian is all-new. It has all the fun stuff: cars, food, fashion, jewelry, sports and more—presented in a completely new way. New fonts, bigger pictures, shorter articles, magazine-style advertising and an attitude that reflects the people who call Hammonton home.

A lot of work went into creating this new publication. The Hammontonian exists due to the incredible efforts of Gazette Editor-in-Chief Gina Rullo, Gazette Sports Editor Dan Russoman, Lead Graphic Designer MarySusan Hoffman, Staff Writer and Copy Editor Kristin Guglietti, Staff Writer Dillon Siddiqi, “Gazette In Fashion” Host Franki Rudnesky (who graces the inaugural cover of our new magazine this week) our loyal advertisers, and of course, Hammonton and all Hammontonians who love to read about their town.

We’re sure you’re going to enjoy the magazine’s sections—each of them offer something entirely new. The sections are (in alphabetical order): Athletics, Automotive, Back In The Day, Culture, Garden, Getaway, In Fashion, In The Kitchen, It’s A Hammonton Thing, Something Blue, Sparkle and The Final Word.

We created this new publication for you, and again, we are giving it to you free, as an added bonus to your purchase of The Gazette.

Why? Because you all deserve it!

Sit down and read a magazine designed by Hammontonians for Hammontonians—and enjoy yourselves.

You deserve The Hammontonian Magazine—a magazine designed to make you smile and feel good about the local culture of Hammonton and being a Hammontonian.

That’s what The Hammontonian Magazine celebrates.

One final note: Since the earliest days of The Gazette, we have subscribed to a number of the world’s best magazines, many of which are now on our magazine rack by the front door (we still love print). Our team has read them all through the decades. Growing up, we read Time, Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, Philadelphia, Boston, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, Esquire and Reader’s Digest among others. Later, they were joined on the rack by Entertainment Weekly (now a monthly), People, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, Travel & Leisure, Prevention, Real Simple, Architectural Digest and more. All these magazines, in some way, had an influence on all of us when we were creating the new magazine that is in your hands this week.

We put a lot of work, time, energy and creativity into making the first edition of The Hammontonian Magazine.

We’re having a lot of fun doing it.

Enjoy reading something new this week!

Gabriel J. Donio is the publisher of The Hammonton Gazette.


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