Kristin Guglietti/THG
Top: The Hammonton field hockey team were recognized at the Feb. 8 board of education meeting after winning the Cape-Atlantic League. Above: The Hammonton Education Foundation (HEF) recognized the Teachers of the Year (2024) during the Feb. 8 board of education meeting. Each teacher received a $500 grant to spend in their classroom. Left to right: HEF President Roseann Struble, Warren E. Sooy Jr. Elementary School Teacher of the Year Shannon Aumenta, Early Childhood Education Center Teacher of the Year Kellie Adamucci, HEF Vice President Lori Calderone, HEF Trustee and Police Chief Kevin Friel, Middle School Teacher of the Year Melissa Busch and High School Teacher of the Year Tracy Angelozzi.
HAMMONTON—The Hammonton High School field hockey team was recognized at the Feb.
8 board of education meeting after winning the Cape-Atlantic League Championship.
Board President John Lyons called the meeting to order and all board members were present at the Samuel A. Donio Memorial Library.
Athletic Director Chris Sacco gave a speech to honor the field hockey team.
“Tonight we’re going to honor the 2023 field hockey team. It was a tremendous year making it to the semifinals in Group 3, but also winning the Cape-Atlantic League Championship this year. This is the first outright championship that the field hockey program has won through tournament style going perfect 10-0,” Sacco said.
Lyons said the field hockey championship banner will be the first hanging on the new turf field.
Next, the Teachers of the Year were recognized. This year’s Teachers of the Year are Shannon Aumenta at the Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC), Kellie Adamucci at Warren E. Sooy Jr. Elementary School (Sooy School), Melissa Busch at Hammonton Middle School and Tracy Angelozzi at Hammonton High School.
The Hammonton Education Foundation (HEF) gave each Teacher of the Year a $500 grant to spend in their classroom. HEF Trustee and Police Chief Kevin Friel gave a speech.
“The Hammonton Education Foundation was formed in 2004 with the purpose to raise and distribute funds through grants to enhance the quality of education for our students in the Hammonton School District,” Friel said.
Friel said the HEF has provided over $600,000 in grants through the years with $40,000 of the funds being awarded to the Teachers of the Year recipients.
“The impact a teacher has on their students is remarkable. They help mold and shape our children and we are grateful for the dedication and influence that they provide. This year’s Teachers of the Year recipients are outstanding, and the Hammonton School District is extremely fortunate to have them,” Friel said.
After the teachers received the grant money from the HEF, all of the Teachers of the Year and school principals gave a speech.
During the superintendent report, Superintendent of Schools Robin Chieco congratulated the field hockey team, world language students and staff at the high school and the Teachers of the Year.
“To our wonderful Teachers of the Year, congratulations. You are the epitome of our profession as educators. It takes more than just earning a teaching degree to become an exceptional teacher. It takes a calling from deep within yourselves to do whatever it takes to make the connections with your students and provide the best experience for them. You have truly had made an impact on your students and they will remember the influence you’ve had in their lives forever. We as a district are fortunate to have you on our staff and celebrate with you in this special recognition, so congratulations to all,” Chieco said.
After a five-minute break, Jerry Conaty, CPA of Holman, Frenia & Allison, gave a presentation on the 2022-2023 audit.
“I’m happy to report that we have an unmodified opinion on financial statements. That’s the best opinion that we can give. That says that there are no modifications necessary to bring us into compliance with generally accepted accounting principles,” Conaty said.
Conaty said there was one finding in regard to the food service fund.
“One of the requirements that the department of agriculture put in probably within the past couple years is a net cash resource schedule, so if your net cash resource exceeds what they refer to as three times your monthly operating expenses, they want to see that you’re starting to spend those resources down. This is a common finding that we’ve been seeing at a lot of our districts over the past number of years especially with the closures of the food service fund going back to the COVID times, so it’s not uncommon. I know the district has already created a corrective action plan and is working on implementing it,” Conaty said.
During committee reports, board member Michael Pullia from the superintendent search committee said the school district has started interviewing candidates.
Board Vice President Luke Coia then gave the buildings and grounds committee report.
“The ECEC project is moving right along. It’s actually a little bit ahead of schedule,” Coia said.
All the masonry for the ECEC project is complete with the scaffolding removed, and temporary electric is on and operating, Coia said.
Coia also discussed the addendum finance item No. 45, “resolved that the Hammonton Board of Education approve an emergency contract to LandTek to repair storm damage to turf field in the amount of $40,523.70. Based on existing warranty with LandTek.”
“With the turf field, we need a repair on the turf field from the severe storms that we’ve had with the intense amount of rain. It actually created like a pocket from what we’re being told and actually lifted up the turf field so we have to get some repairs done there,” Coia said.
Coia said the repairs should be done before the next sport season starts.
Board member Kelli Fallon from the negotiations committee said the committee is in the process of reaching out to the Hammonton Education Association with possible dates.
During public comment, Alicia Champion, middle school special education teacher, thanked the board for hiring her.
When it was time to vote for matters concerning finance, the board most notably voted to:
• Ratify the purchase order lists for January 2024 in the amount of $316,181.17.
• Approve the bill list for February 2024 in the amount of $1,032,113.52.
• Ratify the check lists for January 2024 in the amount of $651,545.63.
• Ratify the January 2024 payroll in the amount of $4,035,789.58.
• Approve to accept the FY24 Emergent and Capital Maintenance Needs Grant award in the amount of $83,271.
• Approve CDW-G for the purchase of 30 computers for the District in the amount of $29,873.70 based on ESCNJ/AEPA-22G.
• Approve the Food Service Director to write off negative balances for students qualified for free and reduced lunch in the amount of $5,123.79.
• Approve to dispose of an old handicapped patient lift located at the middle school.
• Approve CDW-G for the purchase of eight Epson Brightlinks for the Early Childhood Education Center in the amount of $18,053.68 based on ESCNJ/AEPA-22G.
• Approve CDW-G for the purchase of 20 Epson Brightlinks for the Warren E. Sooy Jr.
Elementary School in the amount of $30,180.20 based on ESCNJ/AEPA-22G.
Next the board voted on matters concerning personnel. Most notably they resolved to:
• Approve a letter of resignation from Alyssa Silipino, middle school teacher, effective January 31, 2024.
• Approve a letter of resignation from Michael Rizzotte, middle school part-time personal care aide, effective February 1, 2024.
• Approve a letter of resignation from Jill Cestaro, high school, school nurse, effective February 9, 2024.
• Approve a letter of resignation as a middle school play assistant coordinator for the 2024-2025 school year from Joseph McLaughlin.
• Approve a letter of resignation as a middle school part-time hall monitor from Roxana Criales (She will be a middle school part-time bilingual aide.).
• Approve the salary adjustment for the following personnel effective February 9, 2024: Eleana Dey from BA +15 - $60,509 to BA+30 - $61,403.
• Approve the additional personnel for the high school after school Accuplacer tutorial program for the 2023-2024 school year.
• Approve the personnel as middle school assistant play coordinator for the 2024-2025 school year.
• Approve the following personnel pending receipt of all necessary paperwork (current substitute pay schedule approved by the Board January 20, 2022: Regular County Substitute Certificate - $125 per day, Regular Standard State Teaching Certificate - $150 per day;
substitute nurse pay schedule approved by the Board October 14, 2021: School Nurse - $225 per day):
- Roxana Criales – middle school part-time bilingual aide effective February 9, 2024
- Awilda Guzman – elementary school part-time instructional aide effective February 9, 2024
- Kerstin Kell – elementary school part-time instructional aide
- Donna Brown – elementary school media center volunteer
Substitute teacher(s) who have a teaching certificate:
- Nelson Clifton
Substitute teacher(s) who is applying for a New Jersey substitute certificate:
- Stephen Diamond
- Bridgid Hallowell
Substitute school nurse:
- Jill Cestaro
For programs, students and miscellaneous matters, the board most notably resolved to:
• Approve the submission of an amendment to the FY2022 ARP-ESSER grant application including all subgrants to reallocate budgeted funds to include expanded allowable uses and meet the student needs.
• Approve the submission of the SFY2023 ESSER Performance Report.
• Approve the acceptance of the FY24 ESSA Title I School Improvement Award funding in the amount of $12,500 and to amend the FY ESSA grant application to budget these funds.
For the addendum, the board most notably resolved to:
• Approve an emergency contract to LandTek to repair storm damage to turf field in the amount of $40,523.70. Based on existing warranty with LandTek.
• Approve the following personnel pending receipt of all necessary paperwork:
- Alicia Champion – middle school (replacement A.S.) special education teacher effective February 9, 2024
- Gionna Perna – high school (replacement J.C.) school nurse effective February 26, 2024
The school board meeting will have a special meeting on Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. at the Samuel A.
Donio Memorial Library. The next regular meeting will be on March 14 at 7 p.m. at the library.