Now that the June primary is now behind us, we will now have about a 60 days before being all in for the 2024 Presidential Election cycle. There are many things that need to be completed prior to the construction of the ballot that you the voter will see beginning in September with the mailing of Vote by Mail Ballots. As we all know this past winter and spring County Clerks faced several lawsuits with the construction of the ballot and the doing away with the “county line” for the Democrat Party. After months of lawsuits, appeals as and decisions that were only for this past primary we are once again in uncharted waters. Will we see another new round of lawsuits and appeals at the Clerks doorstep for the presidential cycle and the 2025 primary? Great questions with no answers as of yet. Putting together ballots, vote by mail ballots, machine faces were more than challenging. Time frames were more than tight, thus leaving plenty of room for errors. Proud to say that this Clerks Office made each and every State Statue without errors. The staff continues to take their job extremely serious and keep all voters in mind.
With the completion of the Primary all candidates are now in place for the November General Election with the exception of those choosing to seek a seat on their local School Board. If you or someone you know wants to seek a seat on your local School Board petitions are due at the County Clerks Office by 4 p.m. on Monday July 29, 2024. Additional information can be found on my website at www.atlanticcountyclerk.org. As always if you have any additional questions beyond our website please feel free to contact out office. Serving on your local Board of Education can be one of the most rewarding public jobs anyone can ever do. As I often say its truly where the rubber meets the road, as it all begins with an education.
I will continue to update all of you about the upcoming General Election as the time nears. It is now beautiful weather, with school out, our farms in full bloom and so many enjoying the beautiful beach weather take time to spend some time outside with family and friends and enjoy our all that our magnificent county and region of South Jersey have to offer. I look forward to seeing so many of you at our local festivals in the coming weeks ahead.
Please have a fun and safe summer.
Joseph J. Giralo
Atlantic County Clerk
Mays Landing, N.J.