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  • Writer's pictureThe Hammonton Gazette

Season’s reason

It’s easy to be distracted from the real reason for the season by the shopping pushes, Hallmark movies, holiday specials, decorated houses, baked goods, delicious dinners and time with family and friends (socially distanced and masked, of course)—and these are all wonderful aspects of Christmastime and the holiday season. However, like the gingerbread on a Victorian house, they are decorative. While they make the house merry and bright, they are not the house itself.

In the case of Christmastime and the holiday season, the “house itself” is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ by Christians throughout the world. In the churches of Hammonton and the surrounding area, there will be celebrations of Christmas. A complete listing of services for Christmas can be found on page 53 of this week’s Gazette.

Our faith community has always been part of the strong foundation of our town. This newspaper has made it a point to cover the faith community in the same way we cover the municipal and school government, the school districts, the business community, sports and all other aspects of Hammonton and the surrounding area: With respect for the role they play in making this town a stronger and better place.

In the coming weeks, as people gather to worship, we will continue to highlight the role faith and the faith community has in Hammonton. As always, if it matters to our readers, then it matters deeply to our staff at The Gazette. We thank the various churches for letting us know about the information regarding their services, and it is our pleasure to bring that information to all our readers again this year. Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and holiday season from The Gazette!


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