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  • Writer's pictureSean Friel

Offering a safe place for businesses

John DeLuca and Stephanie Bilotta, the owners of Simply Salon Suites. (Courtesy Photo)

At 900 12th Street, Simply Salon Suites offers a unique and practical way to run a business. With the help of John DeLuca and his business partner, Stephanie Bilotta, Simply Salon Suites has taken off, with only two suites available. The two opened up the suites together to help aspiring artists, creating a safe space to run a business. Many of these artists come from all different backgrounds, some even working in salons or beauty parlors prior to the suites. Offering an affordable way to start a business, it’s no wonder the Simply Salon Suites is nearly at capacity.

“Simply Salon Suites offers an opportunity for artists to have their own business, and be their own boss, and run their own space… it’s a lot to take on when you’re first opening a business to take on a whole big space. This is your own space, you only have to worry about yourself, and you do what’s good for you,” Bilotta said.

She explained in detail that while many other places offer the same amenities as Simply Salon Suites, the experience itself is hard to find.

“Our suites are a little more different than others, because a lot of them are corporate. Ours is not, it’s my nephew and I own it, and we also have a barber shop and a salon that we own as well. So we have a lot of experience in the salon world, and I do feel like some of the suites out there are franchises. When people do buy and run them, no disrespect, good for them, but they don’t have a hand in the salon world,” Bilotta said.

Bilotta told The Gazette that if anyone was interested in getting a suite, she and DeLuca would help them through the process. Starting off with calling, Bilotta said the next move would be learning what the suites entail and then finalizing the arrangement. She joked that if anyone wanted a suite that they should hurry up.

“So far everybody loves it. When potential renters come in to do a tour, all the girls pop their heads out and are like ‘do it, do it, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done,’ so they love it. They’re running the business they want to run it. They’re decorating their own room the way they want decorated. They’re making their own hours … so far we’ve had nothing but positive feedback,” Bilotta said.

With most of the suites filled, Bilotta and DeLuca have seen how happy the owners of these suites are with their businesses. With the suites building their own relationships and experience with customers, Bilotta is hopeful about the future for these suites.

“We feel like the most exciting part is, first of all, watching it grow so quickly already, and secondly, watching people in our field thrive. We’ve been in the salon industry for 30 years, and my partner has been in it for about 12 years. Just watching people be able to have their own business, and grow, network together, just be happy because they are doing things themselves,” Bilotta said.

For more information on Simply Salon Suites, head to their website at, to contact Bilotta or DeLuca about the suites. A grand opening event is being planned for September 11.

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